Azure App Service Advisor- New feature for App service Users

It’s a new enhancement in Azure App Service which is to determine that apps activity pattern indicates that the experience of the end customers might be impacted then notifies the owners of the Application as well as recommendation to close the issue.   It’s very useful in cases like the application is reaching the quota so the application will seems to be down to the end user but the owner of the application will get an email to notify him of   the issue



While this feature seems to be helpful but you may argue that how it’s different from the Application Insight Alerts? Alerts generated from the portal can just notify the owner of the application whereas App Service Advisor as the name suggest will advise the actions required to fix that issue. We can Say that it’s an end to end mechanism tool required to increase the availability and performance of an Azure App.



If your App service is impacted due to any reason, the moment you enter the new Azure portal you will be able to see that in the Notification on the top right or you can select the resource and a notification in yellow color would be presented to notify the owner to take an action. Azure App Service Advisor not only tells you what the issue but also the reason along with the solution


The alerts stay on the resource for quite some time depends upon the seriousness of the issue and you don’t need to do anything to enable this feature. It’s a free giveaway from the Azure App service team for the customers to make their applications performance better based on the Artificial Intelligence. It’s a good to have enhancement in the Azure App services.



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