Azure VS AWS vs GCP – A quick cheatsheet

This is a sequel for my previous article that I wrote couple of years back. As the cloud adoption is increasing, companies are going towards the Multi cloud approach to be locked out of a vendor. I also have to do some migration tasks so this seems to be the right time to create this.


  Azure AWS GCP
VM Azure VMs EC2 and Azue Elastic Compute Compute Engine but only 3 type of VM
LoadBalancing Azure Load Balancer, Traffic Manager and VMSS Elastic Load Balancing , Auto Scailing Cloud Load Balancer, Instance Group
Serverless Azure Functions, Logic App Lambda Cloud Function
Docker Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Container Instance, Azure Container Service , Azure Container Registry ECS, EC2 Container Service, Firecracker, fargate Kubernetes Engine, Container Registry
Automation Azure Automation Cloud Formation Cloud Deployment Manager
Management Resource Manager, Cloud Shell, API AWS Management Console, CLI , API Cloud Shell, Cloud Console, API
Monitoring Azure Monitor, Log Analytics, Network watcher, Application Insights Cloud Watch and Clout Trial Google StackDriver
Object Storage Blob Storage S3 Cloud Storage Buckets
File Based Storage Azure Files Elastic File System, Windows File System Cloud Filestore
Archive Storage Cool Storage, Archive Storage Glacier, Data Archive, S3 Infrequent Access Nearline and Coldline Storage
Hybrid Storage Stor Simple Storage Gateway Egypte Sync
Content Delivery Network Azure CDN CloudFront Clould InterConnect
Regions 54 Regions 20 Regions 18 Regions
Disaster Recovery/Backup Azure Site Recovery Pilot Light, Backup & Restore, Warm Standby Google Cloud DR Strategy Guide- Manual
DNS Azure DNS Route 53 Domain Cloud System
Caching RedisCache ElastiCache Cloud MemoryStore
Database SQL, MySQL, PostreSQL, Table, Cosmos, MariaDB SQL, MySQL, PostreSQL, Table, Dynamo,Neptune Firestore, MYSQL, PostreSQL, Cloud Datastore, Cloud Big Table
Data Warehouse SQL DataWarehouse Amazon Redshift BigQuery
Dedicated Private Network ExpressRoute Direct Connect Dedicated Interconnect
Virtual Network Option Virtual N/w , Subnets, API Management, VPN Gateway, Network Peering VPN,Network Peering, VPC and subnet, NAT and Transit Gateway Google Cloud VPN, VPC and subnet, Google Cloud Endpoints

Not all Azure services offer the best performance for every need and same is the case for the AWS so we need to make the wisest decision while architecting for the Cloud.I will recommend to go through the comparisons before making any decision.



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